How to contact with Fcitx team

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Revision as of 17:09, 17 January 2013 by Weng Xuetian (talk | contribs)
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Directly send email to fcitx-dev at, and here is the web page version, only the first email is moderated (sorry for inconvenience, due to large amount of spam).

As for the prefered language on this mail list, English is always prefered if you are not a Chinese speaker. If you're a Chinese speaker but not confident with your English skills, feel free to speak in Chinese, since most developers are Chinese people.


Add talk at to your XMPP/Gtalk friend.

Submit patch

All fcitx code has already moved to github. If you want to contribute code, please send a pull request on github.


Twitter: we monitor "fcitx" on twitter global timeline regularly, complain or ask questions with the word "fcitx" in your tweet, so we can find it and give out some advice.

Please, even though you can find some developers' email addresses easily, don't send emails to their private addresses; this is annoying, and easily to be ignored.