Page translation

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Pages proposed for translation

These pages contain text with translation tags, but no version of these pages are currently marked for translation.

  1. Configtool
  2. Configure (Debian)
  3. Create a new Fcitx Theme
  4. Create your first Fcitx addon
  5. DBus
  6. Debug Fcitx
  7. Fbterm
  8. Fcitx Complie Dependencies
  9. Fuzzy Pinyin
  10. Googlepinyin
  11. Hall of Shame for Linux IME Support
  12. Hangul
  13. How to make your own table-based input method
  14. IPC
  15. Install (Debian)
  16. Install (Fedora)
  17. Kimpanel for GNOME-Shell
  18. Kimpanel in KDE Plasma Addons
  19. Libpinyin
  20. M17N
  21. Make a portable Fcitx
  22. Mozc
  23. Note for GNOME Later than 3.6
  24. PinyinEnhance
  25. Punctuation
  26. Rime
  27. Sayura
  28. Sunpinyin
  29. Table
  30. Unikey
  31. X11

Pages with pending changes

These pages have changes not marked for translation.

  1. Develop an simple input method
  2. Donate
  3. FAQ
  4. Fcitx5-diagnose
  5. How Fcitx works
  6. Install and Configure
  7. Install input method
  8. QuickPhrase
  9. Theme Customization

Pages in translation

The latest version of these pages have been marked for translation.

  1. Addon Type
  2. Anthy
  3. Autoeng
  4. Basic concept
  5. Become a developer
  6. Build source code mirror
  7. Built-in Pinyin
  8. Chewing
  9. Chttrans
  10. ClassicUI
  11. Clipboard
  12. Cloudpinyin
  13. Compile Configtool
  14. Compile fcitx-keyboard
  15. Compile from source
  16. Configtool (Fcitx 5)
  17. Configure (OpenSUSE)
  18. Configure (Other)
  19. Configure (Ubuntu)
  20. Contribute to this Wiki
  21. Fcitx
  22. Fcitx 5
  23. Fullwidth
  24. History
  25. How to contact with Fcitx team
  26. How to find what to do
  27. Input method engines
  28. Input method related environment variables
  29. Install (Gentoo)
  30. Install (OpenSUSE)
  31. Install (Other)
  32. Install (Ubuntu)
  33. Install Fcitx 5
  34. Integrate with Desktop
  35. Kcm
  36. Keyboard
  37. Kimpanel
  38. QuWei
  39. Report Bug
  40. Setup Fcitx 5
  41. Unicode
  42. Use Fcitx's Addon
  43. XIM