Revision as of 12:37, 13 November 2021 by Matrikslee (talk | contribs)
小企鹅输入法(Fcitx 读作[ˈfaɪtɪks])是一个支持扩展的输入法框架。目前,它支持Linux操作系统,以及如freebsd这样的Unix操作系统。Fcitx 通过使用各种各样的输入法引擎来支持全世界大量不同种类的语言。
- 5.1.12
- Hi all,
Happy new year and Happy upcoming Chinese New Year.
In this release we introduced some changes to the framework that
allows people to build a fully statically linked Fcitx, which… - 5.1.11
- Hi all,
This is a bug fixing release which is not very exciting
Some new feature highlights including:
libime has updated dict and the language model.
Also Thanks for the translators&… - 5.1.10
- Hi,
It has been a while since the last release. Here are some highlights
on this release. This release has some important bug fixes.
<h2>fcitx5 5.1.10</h2>New candidate action… - 5.1.9
- Hi,
In this release we did some housekeeping work by adding additional CI
to github actions. And per-flathub requirements, all metainfo.xml are
updated, so all the tarballs are updated th…