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- 4.3 API/FcitxConfig
- Addon Type
- Addon Type/en
- Anthy
- Anthy/en
- Autoeng
- Autoeng/en
- Basic concept
- Basic concept/en
- Basic concept/zh-cn
- Become a developer
- Become a developer/en
- Become a developer/zh-cn
- Become a developer/zh-hans
- Beginner's Guide
- Build source code mirror
- Build source code mirror/en
- Built-in Pinyin
- Built-in Pinyin/en
- Chewing
- Chewing/en
- Chttrans
- Chttrans/en
- Chttrans/zh-hans
- ClassicUI
- ClassicUI/en
- Clipboard
- Clipboard/en
- Cloudpinyin
- Cloudpinyin/en
- Cloudpinyin/zh-cn
- Compile Configtool
- Compile Configtool/en
- Compile fcitx-keyboard
- Compile fcitx-keyboard/en
- Compile from source
- Compile from source/en
- Compiling Mozc
- Compiling fcitx5
- Configtool
- Configtool (Fcitx 5)
- Configtool (Fcitx 5)/en
- Configtool (Fcitx 5)/zh-cn
- Configure (Debian)
- Configure (Gentoo)
- Configure (OpenSUSE)
- Configure (OpenSUSE)/en
- Configure (Other)
- Configure (Other)/en
- Configure (Other)/zh-hans
- Configure (Ubuntu)
- Configure (Ubuntu)/en
- Contribute to this Wiki
- Contribute to this Wiki/en
- Contribute to this Wiki/zh-cn
- Create a new Fcitx Theme
- Create your first Fcitx addon
- DBus
- DBus Interface
- Debug Fcitx
- Debug fcitx5
- Develop an simple input method
- Develop an simple input method/en
- Develop an simple input method/zh-cn
- Distribution Package Status
- Donate
- Donate/en
- Donate/zh-cn
- FAQ/en
- FAQ/zh-hans
- Fbterm
- Fcitx
- Fcitx/en
- Fcitx/zh-hans
- Fcitx5
- Fcitx5-diagnose
- Fcitx5-diagnose/en
- Fcitx 5
- Fcitx 5/en
- Fcitx 5/zh-cn
- Fcitx 5 Theme
- Fcitx Complie Dependencies
- Fullwidth
- Fullwidth/en
- Fuzzy Pinyin
- Googlepinyin
- Hall of Shame for Linux IME Support
- Hangul
- History
- History/en
- History/zh-cn
- How Fcitx works
- How Fcitx works/en
- How does an application talk to Fcitx
- How to contact with Fcitx team
- How to contact with Fcitx team/en
- How to find what to do
- How to find what to do/en
- How to make your own table-based input method
- Input method engines
- Input method engines/en
- Input method engines/zh-cn
- Input method related environment variables
- Input method related environment variables/en
- Input method related environment variables/zh-hans
- Install (Debian)
- Install (Fedora)
- Install (Gentoo)
- Install (Gentoo)/en
- Install (OpenSUSE)
- Install (OpenSUSE)/en
- Install (Other)
- Install (Other)/en
- Install (Other)/zh-hans
- Install (Ubuntu)
- Install (Ubuntu)/en
- Install Fcitx 5
- Install Fcitx 5/en
- Install Fcitx 5/zh-cn
- Install and Configure
- Install and Configure/en
- Install and Configure/zh-hans
- Install input method
- Install input method/en
- Install input method/zh-cn
- Integrate with Desktop
- Integrate with Desktop/en
- Kcm
- Kcm/en
- Keyboard
- Keyboard/en
- Kimpanel
- Kimpanel/en
- Kimpanel for GNOME-Shell
- Kimpanel in KDE Plasma Addons
- Libpinyin
- Lua
- M17N
- Make a portable Fcitx
- Mozc
- Note for GNOME Later than 3.6
- PinyinEnhance
- Plan Configuration Wizard
- Problem need to be settled in 4.3
- Punctuation
- Q&A for developer
- QuWei
- QuWei/en
- QuWei/zh-cn
- QuickPhrase
- QuickPhrase/en
- QuickPhrase/zh-hans
- QuickPhrase Acfun
- QuickPhrase Emoji
- QuickPhrase French
- QuickPhrase Latex
- Report Bug
- Report Bug/en
- Report Bug/zh-cn
- Review Release
- Rime
- Sayura
- Setup Fcitx 5
- Setup Fcitx 5/en
- Setup Fcitx 5/zh-cn
- Sunpinyin
- Table
- Table (Fcitx 5)
- Theme Customization
- Theme Customization/en
- Theme Customization/zh-cn
- Tips and Tricks
- Todo-List
- Troubleshooting
- Unicode
- Unicode/en
- Unikey
- Upgrade from Fcitx 4
- Use Fcitx's Addon
- Use Fcitx's Addon/en
- Using Fcitx 5 on Wayland
- Using Fcitx with container
- X11
- XIM/en